Monday 16 September 2019

Lift waiting


True story. It happened sometime last couple of weeks ago... Taking the lift (or elevator in some countries they are called that :nod: ) from the basement car park as usual... The building lifts are pretty scary to be honest, they are old and not well maintained... :O So I'm already not feeling too confident of the lifts but then this happened... :lol: The first lift opened up with a cleaner guy with a big huge garbage container in it... Okay, next... The second one was filled with another huge cart of building materials and a construction worker inside... I opted for the escalator instead. :X 

It was a pretty funny story actually when I told mum about it... :XD: Imagine it being a comedy or sitcom, it was a perfect setting for a bad day... :raincloud: and if you are late for work it adds to the humour as well rushing up the stairs... :dead: 

It's been awhile, I had a lot of things going on in my life... Had to move, first time in my entire life having to move house... :house: It was really stressful and tiring. :faint: On top of that, having work stress and also trying to move on with the heartbreak... :heartbreaker: So, I am quite depressed to be honest... but I am trying to cheer up... Have been buying toys like Lego and Hotwheels but you know the feeling is just a moment, and you are back at square one after that. :sadangel: Not to mention having a flat wallet too... :crying: 

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