Tuesday 28 December 2010

Restaurant names


Dedicated to my colleague who loves to have lunch :hungry: at Mama's Kitchen because of the free soup. :D

I wonder if there's gonna be Grandma's Diner...or Grandpa's bbq house....:? Anyone else has any restaurant names to add? ;) :lol:

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Broadband Conspiracy?


I always thought I was the only one experiencing slow broadband connection... :frustrated: It was not until I saw the status updates on FB by several friends...on numerous occasions :pc: that I realised I wasn't the only one! :D

My cousin called the telco's helpline recently :mobile: and the customer service personnel there said that the current broadband is being slowed down to make way for their high speed broadband. (HSBB) :wtf: ??!! No kidding. :wtf: again!! :X

Yeah, so if you're really unhappy with their connection speed you could always switch. :fellaright: :nod:

Hmm...talk about conspiracy? :hmm: :ninja: