Sunday 19 June 2016

Crazy Cat Lady


I'm saying goodbye to a character of mine in Miss Kacang... :bye: This guy character has been with me ever since I've started doodling Miss Kacang about 10 years ago. :wow: (Yes, it's been that long!) It was loosely based off a friend of mine... He was into skateboarding at first and later grew into a musician type of guy. He's no longer in my life... I actually have no idea where he is right now... :confused: :lol: But I still see him on Instagram from time to time. He looks like he's really enjoying his life and living out his dreams. :thumbsup: 

I think it's time to bid adieu to this character.... Life has moved on for the both of us... :movingon: I'm actually beginning to like the "Crazy Cat Lady" idea! :laughing: But most probably I'll end up with the "Crazy Lego Lady" title instead! 

Hope everyone is doing well.