Sunday 28 December 2014

Speaking Picture Comments


Come on, admit it... you'd always scroll down :pc: to read the comments!! ;) Esp picture ones... I'm amazed :wow: at how creative ppl can be, those comments are so hilarious! :laughing: 

I've compiled some of my favs (I know they are plenty of others too) and wondered what will happen if we spoke it in real life... :D Enjoy! 

Miss Kacang on :facebook:

Saturday 27 December 2014

Radio Stations as you age


Yup, I still remember laughing :laughing: at the MTV advert (many years ago ^^;  ) promoting the oldies... It went like this, "Laugh, cry, vomit....or totally dig the classics!" :lol: "Remember, one day you'll be old too..." :granny: 

Can't believe that I'm old already!! :nuu: Now everyday my workplace plays music from Lite FM... songs from like the 70s, 80s, 90s.... :omg: I can imagine my cousin asking that... and if you don't know who Rick Astley is, thank your lucky stars :phew: that you're not THAT old... yet. ;)