Thursday 28 January 2010

Musical chairs madness


:w00t: Yess!! :D

Well, that didn't actually happen of course. :laughing: Just a crazy :crazy: twist which came to mind :lightbulb: after watching Ikea's Chinese New Year cum Valentine's Day :heart: commercial...(It falls on the same day this year...) :teevee:

You can view the ad here: [link]

And... :wow: Back to back update this week! :woohoo: :boogie: Err... :blush: :sheepish: actually it's last week's update and this week's all done in one week. :lol:

Ikea (c) Ikea

Tuesday 26 January 2010

The original 360 cam


I've been wanting to draw The Matrix idea for ages already but somehow it couldn't fit in with anything... :hmm: Finally had the idea :lightbulb: while watching The Golden Globes :teevee: on E!... :w00t: They were featuring the Glam Cam 360 :camera: and I knew I had to draw this... :D

I'm not sure if any of you have seen the making of The Matrix... :film: It was the revolutionary concept/ idea of that time to use multiple cameras which was arranged in a 360 and going off at the same time :camera: while the stunt was done. :ninjabattle: The individual images were combined later to give that "360 degrees spin" effect which we all now see :wow: (and expect? :P ) in movies.

Yup, cinematography has grown much from there to what we see now in Avatar. :nod:

E! Logo (c) E!
The Matrix (c) The Matrix

Thursday 14 January 2010

Greener Christmas


Sorry, a really late Christmas strip. :oops: I planned to do a double strip during the last week of 2009 but too much procrastination... ^^; Alas! :giggle:

Well, hope it's still not too late... ;) Even if it is...too bad. :mwahaha:

This was inspired while reading the newspaper... :reading: My mum also noticed the two articles... one was on the second page and the other in another newspaper I think... :? (Or another section...can't remember :confused: ) :lol:

Enjoy. :party: