Sunday 22 March 2015

Build your ideal man


Okay, a feminist response! :w00t: I'm sure you've expected that anyway! :D Recently on :facebook: there was a post being shared by many, asking women to "build" their ideal man with only $5. :dollarus: The comments there were hilarious, :lol: it's also good to know many females out there are not as silly as that post seem to suggest. Yeah, I know you might be saying, "Oh come on, it's only fun... Why so serious... " 

But seriously, I shudder to think that an adult would come up with such an idiotic post. :doh: If it were a teenager (oops no offence) making silly memes or such I can still accept... I'm not sure if the author is male or female. Either way it does show how shallow that person is. Also, by saying all woman go for men for those qualities only and vice versa. :disbelief: It's kinda sad really. 

However, you could always look at the other way around... which, makes men cheap. :XD: 

Monday 9 March 2015



Yes, that is true. :nod: I have seen some memes on this subject before this, somehow I felt like drawing another view to it. :painter: I guess you have to be an introvert to understand this behaviour... Social media :facebook: has somewhat helped to nourish it even more... You get to be behind this façade, which is your computer screen :pc: (literally) and an online representation of yourself... Each sentence, comment, thoughts are able to be penned down with careful thinking... and easily editable with the "backspace" and "delete" button before being read by others :) 

I am personally guilty of this... :blush: Once, back in my younger days at my church youth group... This girl said me to, "Hey you're really chatty online...but in person you're really quiet..." :shh: I can't remember what I replied her then... But all I can say that I'm still very much the same then and now... :XD: 

Oh well. :depressed: 

Sunday 8 March 2015



The irony. ;P

Yup... Flickr, Facebook :facebook: , Instagram :camera: , Twitter :mobile: , DeviantArt :devart: , Tumblr... erm, my Tumblr is kinda dead... :tombstone: Don't go there... :XD: 

Miss Kacang on :facebook: