Sunday 22 July 2012

Office Avengers


I wish :devart: has that F*Yea emoticon now... :trollface: Well, yeah I take on all four characters of The Avengers in my daily life...

And yes, I'm biased for Thor...not because of Chris Hemsworth ;p but because of this: [link]


Sunday 1 July 2012

Give me everything


Nope, we're not talking about Pitbull's song :tunes: okay.. :lol:

Yeah, it gets pretty annoying :X when someone keeps wanting everything... I guess it has been a really bad habit cultivated in an environment for more than 10 years... Really. :O

Another person commented that if given the whole office is also not enough!! Serious. :omg:

Sad but true. It really is a bad habit. :fellaright: