Friday 22 February 2008

Work dilemma

The dilemma which I am facing between a stable job or following my dreams... :O I really can't stand numbers from day one. I hated accountancy since school..(sorry to anyone who love accounts) I know Serenade will be quite sad to hear this is that I won't be continuing my temp job after Feb... :(

MYOB logo belongs to MYOB...

We need more clowns

This was drawn as my response to an article in the papers recently. The article featured a T-shirt maker in Central Market who designed several tees for the upcoming general election. I felt the idea was really good... as we all know there are clowns everywhere... :XD:

Saturday 16 February 2008

Squashed by numbers

This is me being squashed by numbers... X( Well, I started a new job recently @an accountancy firm... after 4 yrs of my medication... seems like everyone (including my doc!) was happy for me... maybe they were just happy to get rid of me from the hse.... :D

Being at my new office really reminded me of how much I love drawing... and drawing mindless kitchen cabinets back in my old job doesn't seem so bad after all...